Prevention of intrauterine adhesions
M. Emingr
; M. Halaj; M. Malčák; J. Hanáček
Authors place of work:
Ústav pro péči o matku a dítě, Praha
Published in the journal:
Ceska Gynekol 2023; 88(3): 210-213
Přehledová práce
Intrauterine adhesions are a serious complication that occurs after intrauterine procedures, most often in connection with pregnancy. Manifestations such as amenorrhea, pelvic pain, and infertility for a woman, especially in reproductive age, are serious and together with intrauterine adhesions we call them Asherman’s syndrome. Primary prevention after intrauterine procedures is important. Published studies show that the use of hyaluronic acid gel, especially after abortions, leads to the prevention of moderate and severe intrauterine adhesions and also increases the pregnancy rate.
prevention – hyaluronic acid – intrauterine adhesions – Asherman – abortions
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