Is there a difference between acute appendicitis in pregnant and non-pregnant women?

Authors: P. Guňková 1,2;  L. Tulinský 1,2 ;  D. Toman 1,2;  L. Martínek 1,2 ;  A. Vrtková 3,4;  R. Špaček 5;  O. Šimetka 5
Authors place of work: Chirurgická klinika FN Ostrava 1;  Katedra chirurgických studií, LF OU Ostrava 2;  Katedra aplikované matematiky, FEI VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava 3;  Útvar náměstka ředitele pro vědu, výzkum a výuku, FN Ostrava 4;  Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika LF OU a FN Ostrava 5
Published in the journal: Ceska Gynekol 2023; 88(6): 405-411
Category: Původní práce
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/cccg2023405


Objective: Acute appendicitis is the most common indication for surgical intervention during pregnancy for non-gynaecological or non-obstetric causes. The aim of this study was to compare perioperative and postoperative outcomes of acute appendectomies in pregnant and non-pregnant patients of childbearing age. Methods: A retrospective clinical study focused on the comparison of perioperative and postoperative outcomes of acute appendectomy in pregnant and non-pregnant patients of reproductive age between January 2012 and December 2021 at the University Hospital in Ostrava. Results: A number of 308 patients underwent acute appendectomy, 25 pregnant and 283 non-pregnant. There were no statistically significant differences in age, ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) classification, duration of complaints, baseline C-reactive protein values, sensitivity or specificity of sonography. A statistically significant difference was found in the leukocyte count between subgroups (P = 0.014) and in the number of laparoscopic procedures performed between the two subgroups (P < 0.001; 98.9% non-pregnant vs. 80.0% pregnant). There was also a statistically significant difference in the length of hospital stay, with the pregnant subgroup having a longer hospital stay (P = 0.014) and a statistically significant difference in the rate of postoperative complications between the defined subgroups (P = 0.039). Serious complications were described predominantly in the subgroup of pregnant patients, where they reached 12% compared to non-pregnant patients, where they were 2.8%. The mortality rate of the cohort was zero. Conclusion: The results of the study support the fact that pregnancy may be associated with complicated forms of acute appendicitis. Accurate and early diagnosis not only prevents the development of complicated forms of appendicitis but also reduces the number of negative appendectomies in pregnancy.


morbidity – acute appendicitis – appendectomy – mortality – pregnancy – laparoscopy


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