Preeclampsia and diabetes mellitus

Authors: M. Hornová ;  P. Šimják ;  K. Anderlová
Authors place of work: Klinika gynekologie, porodnictví a neonatologie 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
Published in the journal: Ceska Gynekol 2023; 88(6): 467-471
Category: Přehledová práce


Objective: The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of recent research on the relationship between preeclampsia and diabetes mellitus in pregnancy. Methodology: A structured search for literary sources in PubMed and ScienceDirect databases using keywords, followed by a selection of papers based on solid methodology. Results: Preeclampsia is a serious condition, which complicates 2–7% of pregnancies. It causes maternal complications (organ dysfunction) and fetal complications (pathological haemodynamic parameters of the uteroplacental unit and fetal growth restriction). Pregnant women with pregestational diabetes have a 2- and 4-times higher risk of developing preeclampsia and the ones with gestational diabetes have 1.3-times higher risk. The main identified risk factors are inadequate compensation of diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy and the duration of diabetes. To minimalize the risk of developing preeclampsia, a composite screening has been implemented. With a positive result a preventive use of acetylsalicylic acid from at the latest 16 and up until the 36th week is advised. Preeclampsia is also a risk factor for developing diabetes mellitus and other cardiovascular diseases later in life. For that reason, a long-term dispensary of women who had preeclampsia in pregnancy is recommended.


Proteinuria – preeclampsia – gestational diabetes mellitus – acetylsalicylic acid – pregestational diabetes mellitus – uteroplacental insufficiency – late complications of preeclampsia


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