Vaginal and Postpregnancy Inflamations, Risks of their Treatment for Fetus
E. Maňáková; L. Hubičková Heringová
Authors‘ workplace:
Česká teratologická informační služba 3. LF UK, Praha
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2008; 73(5): 294-297
Original Article
Paper describes risks of gynaecological inflamations and their treatment for the successful course of pregnancy.
Czech Teratology Information Service, 3. LF UK, Praha.
Subject and methods:
The article refers the most common types of vaginal inflamation and gives recommendation for the appropriate treatment that is safe for embryo or fetus according to advice of Teratology Information Service.
Vaginal inflamation during pregnancy represents risks of abortion, miscarriage or prematurity. For the treatment, we have to take in consideration the age of pregnancy and we should use the drugs, that are safe during this period. It is necessary always to compare risks resulting from disorder and from drugs used.
Key words:
bacterial vaginitis, candidosis, therapy during pregnancy.
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

2008 Issue 5
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