Prognostic importance of selected molecular genetic immunohistochemical markers and DNA ploidy in endometrial cancer
Milan Kudela 1
; R. Pilka 1; M. Lubušký 1; P. Hejtmánek 1; P. Džubák 2
; S. Brychtová 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Porodnicko-gynekologická klinika LF UP a FN Olomouc, přednosta doc. MUDr. R. Pilka, Ph. D.
1; Laboratoř experimentální medicíny, Ústav molekulární a transplantační medicíny, LF UP a FN Olomouc
2; Ústav patologie LF UP a FN Olomouc
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2011; 76(3): 194-199
The aim of the study was the analysis of the new molecular genetic immunomarkers (p53, c‑erbB-2, Ki 67, bcl-2) hormonal receptors (ER, PR) and ploidy disturbances and their relation to the most important prognostic factors for endometrial cancer.
Prospective study.
Dept. of Gynaecology and Obsterics, Laboratory of Experimental Medicine, Institute of Pathology, Institute of Molecular and Transplational Medicine, Medical Faculty and University Hospital, Olomouc.
The study group consisted of 88 endometrial cancer patients. The biopsies of the tumours obtained at operations were routinely histopathologically examined. Subsequently, the immunohistochemical tumormarkers were determined. The same biopsies were examined by microdissection and flow cytometric ploidy analysis and karyotyping. The findings were compared with the most important prognostic factors for endometrial cancer, mainly with clinical stage of the disease, grade and histopathological type.
Aneuploidy was found in 71% in the group of poorly differentiated endometrial cancers (G3) in contrast to 47% in the group of G1 and G2 tumours. High expression of p53, Ki 67, c-erbB-2 and low rate of sex hormone receptors was found in the prognostically unfavourable group (G3).
Aneuploidy seems to be an important prognostical factor for endometrial cancer patients. Identification of p53, Ki 67, c-erbB-2, ER a PR is a useful tool to specify a group of prognostically unfavourable patients.
Key words:
endometrial cancer, DNA ploidy, molecular immunomarkers, prognostic factors.
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

2011 Issue 3
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