Suburethral sling removal due to chronic pain
P. Homola 1; G. Hensel 1; Z. Škorničková 2; M. Košťál 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Porodnicko-gynekologická klinika Pardubické nemocnice, Nemocnice Pardubického kraje a. s., přednosta doc. MUDr. M. Košťál, CSc.
1; Fakulta zdravotnických studií Univerzity Pardubice, děkan prof. MUDr. J. Fusek, DrSc.
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2017; 82(4): 313-317
To point out one possible complication after suburethral tape insertion. To present methods of treatment, especially partial or total removal of the tape. Few successful cases of treatment are shown in case reports.
Case report.
Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Pardubice hospital.
Chronic pain after insertion of suburethral tape is a rare complication. There are several possible causes, such as tape erosion with chronic inflamation, post-colposuspension syndrome, myo-fascial syndrome, nerve damage during tape implantation or due to overproduction of fibrous tissue. Partial or total tape removal is needed when the conservative treatment fails. Patients may remain continent or a new tape is placed. Pain relief is usually complete but there are times when additional treatment is needed.
Sling removal is a successful method of treating chronic pain after suburethral tape insertion. Patients describe plain relief and improvement of quality of life.
stress urinary incontinence, suburethral tape, complications, chronic pain, sling removal
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

2017 Issue 4
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