Possibilities and real meaning of assessment of ovarian reserve
M. Kučera 1; J. Štěpán ml. 2; M. Štelcl 3
Authors‘ workplace:
PPCHC Sanus Jihlava, ředitel MUDr. J. Štěpán, CSc.
1; PPCHC Sanus Hradec Králové, ředitel MUDr. J Štěpán, CSc.
2; Reprogenesis, Brno, vedoucí lékař M. Štelcl
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2018; 83(4): 307-311
Objective: To summarize the posibilities of diagnosis of diminished ovarian reserve.
Design: Survey of contemporary knowledge.
Settings: PPCHC, Sanus Jihlava; PPCHC, Sanus Hradec Králové; Reprogenesis, Brno.
Methods: Review of literature.
Conclusion: Voluntary or involuntary motherhood postmonement to the third decade of woman‘s life needs presice evaluation of the ovarian reserve before the infertility treatment. Contemporary there are: 1 hormonal tests (basal and dynamic), 2 ultrasonographic markers of ovarian reserve. The most perspective markers of ovarian reserve seems AMH a AFC.
Keywords: ovarian reserve, reproductive aging, FSH, inhibin B, estradiol, AMH, CCCT, GAST, EFORT, AFC, ovarian volume, ovarian blood flow
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

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