Benefits of exercise in the prenatal and postnatal period
D. Líška 1; J. Záhumenský 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Univerzita Mateja Bela, Filozofická Fakulta telesnej výchovy a športu, Banská Bystrica
1; II. Gynekologicko pôrodnícka klinika LF UK a UNB, Nemocnica Ružinov
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2020; 85(4): 288-292
Aim: The main aim of the article is find benefits of exercise during and after pregnancy.
Study type: Review article.
Methods: Search for meta-analyzes and system reports in PubMed, JCR, Medline, Scopus databases.
Result: Regular exercise is associated with a lower risk of macrosomy and caesarean section during childbirth. Depression is a common complication in the prenatal and postnatal period due to increased stress and insufficient social support. Exercise is a potential non-pharmacological therapy. Regular exercise is also associated with lowering blood glucose and improving insulin sensitivity. To optimize weight and overweight, exercise is one of the main parts of treatment. Another therapeutic possibility of using the exercise is to influence the pain in the lumbosacral area and also the pain in the pelvic area. Another variant of exercises are exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. Exercise of the pelvic floor muscles in the perinatal period is an effective method for preventing postpartum urinary incontinence.
Conclusion: Exercise is an important part of therapy in the prenatal and postnatal period.
exercise – cardiovascular system – urinary incontinence – depression – gestational diabetes mellitus
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

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