Cervical tuberculosis in a postmenopausal patient
Prokešová N. 1; Valha P. 1; Velemínský M. 1; Vítková P. 2; Stehlíková A. 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Gynekologicko-porodnické oddělení, Nemocnice České Budějovice, a. s.
1; Patologické oddělení, Nemocnice České Budějovice, a. s.
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2021; 86(6): 392-396
Case Report
Objective: Description of a case of extrapulmonary genital tuberculosis of the uterine cervix in a postmenopausal patient. Case report: A 66-year-old patient with a history of metrorrhagia, an ulcerated process in the area of the uterine cervix and vagina, with infiltration of parametria, serosanguinolent discharge and progressive cachectization was admitted to the oncogynecological center of the Hospital of České Budějovice, a. s. As part of the diagnostics, physical examination, colposcopy, targeted biopsy, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and microbiological examination, oncogynecological ultrasound and CT examination were performed. Clinically, the lesion acted as an advanced tumor. However, no malignant cells were detected in the biopsy and the histopathological finding corresponded to a granulomatous inflammatory condition with giant cell histiocytic elements. Bacterial DNA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex was detected by PCR testing. The patient underwent controlled antituberculosis treatment with regular gynecological examinations. Conclusion: Tuberculosis of the uterine cervix occurs rarely. Its clinical manifestation may mimic the tumor process. Diagnosis is based on the identification of the causative agent and treatment consists of long-term controlled administration of antituberculotics, and in rare cases, combination with surgical treatment.
extrapulmonar tuberculosis – genital tuberculosis – uterine cervix – Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

2021 Issue 6
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