Czech Gynaecology - Issue 1/2012
Original Article
Phytoestrogenes in menopause: working mechanisms and clinical results in 28 patients
V. Bičíková, L. Sosvorová, O. Bradáč, M. Pán, M. Bičíková
Does the asymptomatic carriage of FV Leiden and FII prothrombin in heterozygous configuration represent the inccreased risk of thrombembolic complications during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum?
T. Binder, B. Vavřinková, I. Hadačová, I. Hrachovinová, P. Salaj, Martin Hruda
Risk factors for recurrent disease in borderline ovarian tumors
P. Líbalová, Z. Vernerová, L. Hubičková-Heringová, D. Pintérová, K. Tikovský, M. Kubecová, B. Svoboda
Is the hysteroscopy the right choice for therapy of placental remnants?
L. Hrazdírová, D. Kužel, Z. Žižka
Non-invasive monitoring of the timing of early embryo cleavages – objectively measurable predictor of human embryo viability
D. Hlinka, S. Lazarovská, J. Rutarová, M. Pichlerová, J. Řezáčová, M. Dudáš
Genetic factors in etiology of uterine fibroids
K. Kubínová, M. Mára, P. Horák, D. Kužel
Invasive cervical cancer incidence in the span from the preventive check-up to the national screening programing in the Czech Republic
J. Kobilková, R. Vinšová, A. Dohnalová, M. Strunová
Czech Gynaecology

2012 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- Is the hysteroscopy the right choice for therapy of placental remnants?
- To conclude knowledge about new colposcopic signs – ridge sign and inner border.
- Risk factors for recurrent disease in borderline ovarian tumors
- The psychosocial needs of newborn children in the context of perinatal care