Invasive cervical cancer incidence in the span from the preventive check-up to the national screening programing in the Czech Republic
J. Kobilková 1; R. Vinšová 2; A. Dohnalová 3; M. Strunová 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Gynekologická a porodnická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. A. Martan, DrSc.
1; Fakulta Biomedicinského inženýrství ČVUT, katedra biomedicínské techniky, Praha, přednosta doc. ing. J. Borovský, Ph. D.
2; Fyziologický ústav 1. LF UK, odd. kybernetiky, Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. O. Kittnar, Ph. D.
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2012; 77(1): 61-66
Original Article
Former Czechoslovakia was the first European country in which the gynecological cytodiagnosticts was used for checking-up the cervix malignancy, in the years 1947–1957. The preventive measures in woman population together with building up the centres for gynekological oncological prevention result in the cervical cancer incidence lowering, as it is documented by national registry data. The cervical cancer incidence rate was 19.2/100 000 in the year 2008, that is the third endplace on the European scale. How to go positively forward?
1st Faculty of medicine, Charles University Prague and General Teaching Hospital Prague.
Study design:
Analytical study od the incidence during the historical way up to now. Validity of the data should bring the strategy of solution.
The collected data od the cervical cancer incidence provided by national registry of the CR from the span 1960 to 2008 enabled to evaluate the effectivity od prevention measures used.
The incidence rate od cervical cancer was 30/100 000 women before the prevention check-up started. the diagnosis was based cytology. The incidence of cervical cancer lowered to 22/100 000 in the year 1970. The establishment of the centres for oncological gynekological prevention (“COP”) led up to the futher dropping up of cervical cancer incidence (20,7/100 000) the activity of the “COP” was based on the gynekologists having the II. degree certificate of the line, colposcopy skill, on cytolaboratory. The continuing education of cytotechnologists started in the year 1991 and it has influenced positively the cervical cancer incidence – its rate was below 20/100 000 – in the year 2008. the data analyses have shown, that the west regions of the CR (Karlovy Vary, Ústí nad Labem) have high incidence steadely respectively. The graph of incidence of age groups of women has 3 peaks: In the age 35-39, 55-59 and 75-80. The whole Moravia region reached the lowest cervical cancer incidence 15,2/ 100 000, which is lower then the world incidence standard. The Czech part of the republic has shown 20,7/ 100 000 in the average in the year 2008.
Key words:
cervix malignancy, incidence, screening.
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

2012 Issue 1
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