Czech Gynaecology - Issue 1/2022
Original Article
Pregnancy outcome prediction after embryo transfer based on serum human chorionic gonadotrophin concentrations
Balasičová K., Kraus A., Peterová L., Nykolaichuk R., Toporcerová S.
Contribution of ultrasound examination in the detection of unexpected uterine and adnexal findings in reconstructive surgery for pelvic organ prolapse
Smažinka M., Havíř M., Rušavý Z., Vlasák P., Kovářová V., Veverková A., Ismail M. K., Kališ V.
Accuracy of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in screening for major depressive disorder and other psychiatric disorders in women towards the end of their puerperium
Horáková A., Nosková E., Švancer P., Marciánová V., Koliba P., Šebela A.
Case Report
Intramyometrial pregnancy after hysteroscopic resection of retained products of conception – a case report
K. Hlinecká, Z. Lisá, A. Richtárová, D. Kužel
Fluidothorax as an atypical symptom of late ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Hubka P., Študent V.
Fetal neck giant hemangioma associated with postnatal arising Kasabach-Merritt syndrome
Dosedla E., Ballová Z., Marciová Z., Calda P.
Hand-foot-mouth disease in puerperium
Kabele P., Mojhová M., Smíšková D.
Brain abscess as a rare complication of pelvic inflammatory disease
Seinerová A., Kopáčková M., Buchvald P., Pavlásek J.
Review Article
Indocyanine green as a new trend in sentinel lymphatic node detection in oncogynecology
Novák O., Bartoš P., Bučko R.
Case Report, Review Article
Domestic violence in the clinical practice of gynecologists and obstetricians
Bauerová A., Nosková P.
Czech Gynaecology

2022 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- Pregnancy outcome prediction after embryo transfer based on serum human chorionic gonadotrophin concentrations
- Hand-foot-mouth disease in puerperium
- Indocyanine green as a new trend in sentinel lymphatic node detection in oncogynecology
- Accuracy of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in screening for major depressive disorder and other psychiatric disorders in women towards the end of their puerperium