The experiences, attitudes and knowledge of medical personnel towards women with intellectual disabilities being mothers
J. Bernoldová 1; Z. Adamčíková 1; I. Strnadová 2; J. Klusáček 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Pedagogická fakulta UK, Katedra speciální pedagogiky, Praha, vedoucí katedry doc. PhDr. L. Květoňová, Ph. D.
1; University of New South Wales, School of Education, Rm., Sydney, Australia, Head of School, Professor of Education prof. C. Davison, PhD.
2; Fakulta sociálních věd UK, Praha, Katedra veřejné a sociální politiky, vedoucí katedry doc. PhDr. A. Veselý, Ph. D.
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2016; 81(1): 41-46
The aim of the study was to analyse experiences, attitudes and knowledge of Czech medical personnel towards women with intellectual disabilities being pregnant and/or mothers.
Type of study:
Survey research.
Charles University, Faculty of Education, Department of Special Education, Prague.
Research methodology:
There were 175 medical personnel who completed a survey. The statistical analysis was conducted in a statistical program SPSS21. The data was analysed using the factor analysis approach.
The majority of respondents were medical personnel with decades of practice in their fields, however with minimal experiences with women with intellectual disabilities who are pregnant and/or mothers. The respondents had a relatively low level of knowledge about services available to these women. The participating medical personnel identified the diverse needs of women with intellectual disabilities during antenatal period, childbirth and in a postnatal period, however they also believed that these needs are not addressed accordingly. The majority of participants believed that women with intellectual disabilities can be successful mothers and should be allowed to have children in their custody. However more than half of the medical personnel admitted the possibility of abortion, and two thirds of the participants would not allow women with intellectual disabilities to make a decision about how many children they wish to have.
Information and development of practical competencies in providing complex and individually oriented support to women with intellectual disabilities needs to be included in systemic education of medical personnel.
intellectual disabilities, motherhood, medical personnel, attitudes, knowledge, experiences, survey research
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

2016 Issue 1
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