Potential of survivin for treatment of gynaecological tumour diseases

Authors: D. Braný 1,2;  D. Dvorská 1,2;  E. Kúdela 2;  Z. Danková 3;  E. Halášová 1;  J. Višňovský 2
Authors‘ workplace: Divízia Molekulová Medicína, Martinské centrum pre biomedicínu JLF UK, Martin, riaditeľka divízie prof. RNDr. E. Halašová, PhD. 1;  Gynekologicko-pôrodnícka klinika JLF UK a UNM, Martin, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Danko, CSc. 2;  Divízia Onkológia, Martinské centrum pre biomedicínu JLF UK, Martin, 
riaditeľka divízie doc. RNDr. Z. Lasabová, PhD. 3
Published in: Ceska Gynekol 2018; 83(3): 226-231



The main purpose of this article is to consolidate known facts about survivin, its contribution to inhibition of apoptosis, impact to tumorigenesis of gynaecological types of tumours. and possibilities of inhibition of survivin on molecular-genetic levels.


A review article.


Division of Molecular Medicine, Biomedical Center in Martin, JLF UK Martin, Slovakia; Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics JLF UK and UNM Martin, Slovakia; Division of Oncology, Biomedical Center, JLF UK Martin, Slovakia.


An analysis of the literature using database search engines focused on aberations in fuction of survivin, primarily in case of gynaecological tumours and possibilities of its inhibition.

Results and conclusions:

Survivin is the smallest member of inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) family. Despite of its size and affiliation to mentioned gene family, survivin can affect besides inhibition of apoptosis also proper process of mitosis, DNA reparation and angiogenesis. High levels of survivin expression are typical for fetal tissues during intrauterine developement. In healthy, adult tissues remain levels of survivin very low. Nonetheless, abundant expression of survivin is in many cases typical for various types of cancer, including gynaecologycal cancers Generally, it is possible to associate higher amounts of survivin with poor prognosis and resistance to chemo- or radiotherapy.


survivin, BIRC5, gynaecological tumours, apoptosis, inhibition


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