Vaginismus – who takes interest in it?
Jana Daňková Kučerová 1,2,3
; Š. Machač 1,4; P. Vrzáčková 5,6; Kateřina Klapilová 7,8
; P. Kovář 2; L. Zábranská 2,3; Z. Damborská 9; P. Wiecek 3; T. Vrána 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Reprofit International, Ostrava, vedoucí lékař MUDr. T. Vrána
1; Centrum ambulantní hysteroskopie, Gynprenatal s. r. o. Havířov, Gynenatal s. r. o. Hlučín, vedoucí lékař MUDr. P. Kovář
2; Gynekologické oddělení Nemocnice s poliklinikou Havířov, primář MUDr. P. Wiecek
3; IVF Clinic, Olomouc, vedoucí lékař MUDr. Š. Machač, Ph. D.
4; TH Klinika, Praha, vedoucí lékař MUDr. O. Trojan, Ph. D., FECSM
5; Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika VFN a 1. LF UK, Praha, přednosta prof. A. Martan, DrSc.
6; Národní ústav duševního zdraví, Klecany, ředitel prof. MUDr. C. Höschl, DrSc., FRCPsych.
7; Fakulta humanitních studií LF UK, Praha, děkan Ing. arch. Mgr. M. Pětová, Ph. D.
8; Oddělení rehabilitace Nemocnice Vítkovice, Ostrava, primářka MUDr. J. Štveráková
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2019; 84(3): 233-239
Objective: Vaginismus is caused by involuntary spasm of muscle surrounding the vaginal wall, a condition which makes it impossible to have a comfortable sexual intercourse. Due to its significant psychogenic part this topic is often neglected by specialists, however it is a very sensitive one for women patients. We are bringing a summary of literature dealing with vaginismus, clarifying the possibilities of diagnostics, therapy and we are discussing relation of this dysfuntion to reproduction.
Design: Review article.
Material a methods: Recent scientific articles indexed in Pubmed, Medline, Web of Science, consultation of Czech specialists and discussion forums of patients have been used.
Results: Vaginismus influences the quality of life, in the most serious form in can result in unconsumated marriage, sterility and thus can lead to the separation of a couple. When adeaquately approached the problem can mostly be solved.
Conclusions: There are women for whom vaginismus is a serious problem and who are not able to cope with the situation without specialists help. Deepening the specialists‘ knowledge in this field is essential for successful treatment.
vaginismus – dilatation of the vagina – vaginismus and reproduction
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

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