HELLP syndrome and HELLP-like syndrome in pregnancies with covid-19 – case reports
Čivrná J. 1; Skanderová D. 2; Ehrmann J. 2; Pilka R. 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Gynekologicko-porodnické oddělení, Nemocnice AGEL Šternberk
1; Ústav klinické a molekulární patologie, LF UP a FN Olomouc
2; Porodnicko-gynekologická klinika LF UP a FN Olomouc
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2021; 86(4): 236-241
Case Report
Objective: We present two case reports of severe course of covid-19 in pregnancy demonstrating similarity between covid-19 and HELLP syndrome. Case report: The first case report describes an asymptomatic course of covid-19 accompanied by elevation of liver enzymes and lactate dehydrogenase but low ratio of angiogenic biomarkers. No severe pregnancy complication occurred. All laboratory results had normalized after recovering from covid-19. The second case report describes a patient with elevated liver enzymes and lactate dehydrogenase which preceded a respiratory failure. Furthermore, one of the most feared complication of pregnancy occurred, namely hepatic rupture. After a delivery, the condition of the patient had been improving only slowly. It is not clear whether this condition represented a severe course of covid-19 or a concurrence of covid-19 and HELLP syndrome. Conclusion: A severe course of covid-19 in pregnancy may cause a diagnostic dilemma for its similarity between covid-19 and a specific complication of pregnancy – HELLP syndrome. This might lead to an unnecessary intervention and iatrogenic prematurity or underestimation of symptoms and delayed diagnosis of HELLP syndrome.
HELLP syndrome – COVID-19 – HELLP-like syndrome
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

2021 Issue 4
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