Metrics of uterine myomatosis symptomatology in clinical practice
R. Hudeček
; L. Mekiňová
; S. Šimová
; L. Bánovská
; A. Hledíková
Authors‘ workplace:
Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika LF MU a FN Brno
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2024; 89(2): 144-150
Aim: A review of diagnostic options and standardized methods for specifying clinical symptoms associated with uterine myomatosis. Methods: A literature search of databases aimed at finding validated metrics for assessing myomas symptomatology. Results: Summary of obligatory and optional examination methods in the diagnosis of uterine fibroids and methods of examination of reproductive parameters of the couple in relation to myomatosis. Defining the metrics of bleeding manifestations of myomatosis with emphasis on the “Pictorial Bleeding Assessment Chart”. Reviewing metrics of algic manifestations of myomatosis and quality of life with emphasis on the “Quality of Life Questionnaire – Myomatosis – Severity Symptom Scale”. Conclusion: The purpose of the applicable metrics, which summarize objective findings and subjective complaints of patients, is to describe and evaluate possible correlations and dynamics of changes in the health status, depending on the chosen therapy.
uterine fibroid symptoms
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ORCID autorů
R. Hudeček 0000-0003-0617-0126
L. Mekiňová 0000-0002-1839-2802
S. Šimová 0009-0005-0058-2252
L. Bánovská 0000-0002-7501-877X
A. Hledíková 0009-0004-2441-5224
Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

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