The diagnostic value of hysterosalpingography in the diagnosis of tubal disease

Authors: R. Středa;  Tonko Mardešič;  D. Kult;  S. Lazarovská;  J. Slámová;  J. Vobořil
Authors‘ workplace: Sanatorium Pronatal, Praha, vedoucí lékař doc. MUDr. T. Mardešič, CSc.
Published in: Ceska Gynekol 2009; 74(1): 18-21


To present an overview of trials and discussion focused on the diagnostic value of hysterosalpingography in the diagnosis of tubal disease.

Review article.

Sanatorium Pronatal, Prague.

Hysterosalpingography may be a screening test for tubal patency. Data demonstrates high specificity of hysterosalpingography for diagnosis of proximal tubal occlusion or hydrosalpinx and low sensitivity in cases with peritubal adhesions. Routine use of diagnostic laparoscopy should be delayed for asymptomatic women. It is expected hysteroscopy and transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy for asymptomatic women may decrease indications for diagnostic laparoscopy with complete visualization of the pelvic cavity.

Key words:
infertility, hysterosalpingography, proximal tubal occlusion, distal tubal occlusion, hydrosalpinx, peritubal adhesions, diagnostic value.


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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicine
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