Peripartal hysterectomy – review
E. Pálová; M. Borovský
Authors‘ workplace:
I. gynekologicko-pôrodnícka klinika LF UK a UNB Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. M. Borovský, CSc.
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2012; 77(3): 229-232
Peripartal hysterectomy is one of the life – threatening procedures needed to be performed in an urgent situation. Women at highest risk of peripartal hysterectomy are multiparas, women who had a caesarian delivery in either previous or present pregnancy or women who had an abnormal placentation. This report presents the basic issues and brief review of the major indications of peripartal hysterectomy. It also compares the effectiveness of the selected types of operation.
Key words:
peripartal hysterectomy, frequency, indications, risk factors.
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

2012 Issue 3
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